Rezultatele cautarii dupa: "A/B Testing"

Divide et impera- On the importance of A/B Testing

If we ended up thinking of testing the newsletter we are sending, it means we are heading in the right direction. From here to a successful campaign there's only one step, putting to the test your template's content, the subject line and the sends. The most important weapon in the testing process is that of A/B testing. In online marketing this process is different from traditional marketing, because we can get feedback in real time. Thus, in an A/B testing campaign, there are three sends, two sends for testing and one for the winning newsletter. To continue reading the study cre

Divide et impera - A/B Testing

Daca am ajuns sa ne gandim la o testare a newsletter-ului trimis inseamna ca suntem pe drumul cel bun. De aici si pana la o campanie reusita mai este doar un pas, cel de a pune la incercare continutul templateului, subiectul, si trimiterile. Cea mai importanta arma in procesul de testare este cea a A/B testingului. In online marketing acest proces se face diferit fata de marketingul traditional, pentru ca putem avea feedback in timp real. Astfel, intr-o campanie A/B testing, exista trei trimiteri, doua trimiteri pentru a testa si una a newsletterului castigator. Pentru

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