Upload content from RSS feed or HTML parser

Upload content from RSS feed or HTML parser
We added a new feature in MailAgent drag and drop editor. With this feature you can extract newsletter content from a RSS feed or from an HTML parser. Below you will find all the details you need:

Using an RSS feed.

In editor you have two new buttons: one for RSS module and one for RSS element. 

After you drag the RSS module, in order to setup it you have to click on the feed setup button that appears when you mouse hover the module (its the upper button in orange frame):

Once this option is selected a setup page will open (below). If you are using an element then that window will automatically open.

RSS module will arrange all the elements of an article into one module. Lets say that you will choose an RSS module and you insert in it a two column module, you can place on left column titla and picture and in right column picture and button.

RSS element you insert it into the desired module. When you start to add elements into it you have to choose what it is. For the text elements you are asked if its a title or content.

Below you have a screen shot:

First article is an RSS module that contains a two columns module. Entire article spreads over two columns and i have chosen how to arange it. The lower part is a two column module with two RSS elements that making two articles. Same is doen for HTML parser.


HTML parser.

In order to use this function we have to make a setup. Although here you can insert information with your own custom design. There are cases where parts of the website are made by different designers or programmers. We have setup those parts because the code may be different. In case you dont know if this applyes to you we will setup some pages and in case that some products are not added corectly you have to contact us. We try to offer this service free but deppending on the complexity of the design or the website is possible to pay a small fee.

Below is a movie tutorial:


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