Wordpress automation plugin.

Wordpress automation plugin.
MailAgent wordpress automation plugin allows you following things. You sync your WordPress database with your MailAgent database. Once you published a new article this is automaticaly send to your database in MailAgent. You can set to send that email to all your database or to those interested in a category. Below is a instalation and configuration tutorial:


In module section of your wordpress you choose the add module option. After the module was uploaded you choose activate module. You can download the plugin from here.

In MailAgent module settings you insert api key that you find in MailAgent / My account.


In lists we display your lists from your MailAgent account and you can choose where your new subscribers will be subscribed.
You can choose when to update. When a user subscribes and you can send it in MailAgent without confirmation in case you are doing that yourself or with confirmation in case you are not doing double opt in with your WordPress. If a user unsubscribes from your site you can choose to remove it from MailAgent as well.
You have the option to manual sync and your lists will start to sync. Is best to do that first.

You choose add line and you can configure your communication. You can choose what category sends to what list and what template to use.

Template creation

In our drag and drop editor in MailAgent you can create your own template but instead of text or pictures you have to insert the following data.

for title the tag is - |**|TITLE|**| and can be used like: <h1><strong>|**|TITLE|**|</strong></h1>

for image the tag is |**|IMAGE|**| and can be used like: <img alt="" src="|**|IMAGE|**|" />
For url the tag is |**|LINK|**| and can be used like: <a target="_blank" href="|**|LINK|**|"> your url</a>

For content the tag is:|**|CONTENT|**| and can be used like: <p>|**|CONTENT|**|</p>

After you create your template you have to save it. After that go into your drafts section in our editor and check to be used in wordpress.

You can upload your own template using those tags and you have to go into your email templates and there check that can be used in wordpress. Here is an example.

Once you made all this your worpress integration is complete.

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