Marketing Online

User access

In may 2018, GDPR will be implemented, MailAgent wants to increase your data protection in our system. This is just the first of many updates to  come. We implemented the option to have multiple users in your account with different permissions. Lets say you have outsourced email creation to an agency you can have a new user that doesn't have permission to make any exports or to view your contacts. This will restrict access to different parts of the application. This way you will be at ease that your database is safe. We recommend that if you have more people working in MailAgent to cre

Wordpress automation plugin.

MailAgent wordpress automation plugin allows you following things. You sync your WordPress database with your MailAgent database. Once you published a new article this is automaticaly send to your database in MailAgent. You can set to send that email to all your database or to those interested in a category. Below is a instalation and configuration tutorial:   In module section of your wordpress you choose the add module option. After the module was uploaded you choose activate module. You can download the plugin from here . In MailAgent module settings you insert api

What subject lines to use in email marketing? Simple or complex?

When it comes to writing a subject line, most marketers aim well-known method of "KISS". However, a study recently made by Touchstone discovered that blind dedication to this cause may be the reason that most recipients will not read your email. Using their new virtual test technology recipients, instead of the real subscribers, Touchstone found that the more complex it is the language used, the clicks and open rates will be higher. Some information about this study: Methodology For this studio, Touchstone 2 methods used. The first method   has been using Coleman-Liau

Marketing of Things

We had a series of pioneers in the marketing field like Coca-Cola or Heinz Ketchup or even the British Army. Most of the marketing strategies have not changed for tens, or maybe, hundreds of years. If you had a product or service you were trying to find people interested in it, in a nutshell this is marketing. The process of lead qualification, and conversion, which is the simplest marketing definition, was introduced by the ancient Turkey in Izmir (or at least this is the oldest one that we have knowledge about). It represented a foot, a heart and a female head, this was meant to attract c

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